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The Premarital Course Center


The Texas Premarital Course Center is a non-profit organization that focuses its resources on providing education, enrichment, and counseling solutions to families and couples.  Our organization's credentials humbly allow us to service all county residents throughout the State of Texas.  Feel free to click the Twogether in Texas provider database for more information. Twogether in Texas Premarital Provider Database 


Twogether in Texas Premarital Preparation Course Requirements


Texas recognizes the challenges that married couples face and want to support the success of these relationships. For this reason, the Twogether in Texas Premarital Preparation Course was created and couples who complete this special course not only have a better foundation for their marriage but also receive a reduction in the marriage license fee of up to $60.00.

You must take a course with a minimum of (8) hours of instruction to qualify for the benefits under your state statute. Course requirements may vary from state to state.  Provider Information 


Course Topics


  • Conflict management.

  • Communication skills.

  • Financial responsibilities.

  • Children and parenting responsibilities.

  • Intimacy & Sex


Course Options

Recognizing that adults have demanding schedules and so there are many options available to take and complete this course. These options include:


  • Direct personal instruction by virtual means;

  • Videotape instruction;

  • Instruction via other electronic media; or

  • A combination of these methods.


Couples can also choose to take these courses together or individually, as best meets their needs. Each person must complete the course and receive a certificate of completion from the instructor before going to the County Clerk for their marriage license.


Instructor Options

There are several qualified instructors who can provide this course, but they must be registered with a judicial circuit (county courthouse) for their program to qualify under this statute. Instructors can include:


  • A mental health counselor licensed under Section 2.013

  • A psychologist licensed under Section 2.013

  • A clinical social worker licensed under Section 2.013

  • A marriage and family therapist licensed under Section 2.013

  • A representative of a religious institution recognized under Section 2.013, if the representative has relevant training

Finding an Instructor

Every judicial circuit maintains a roster of qualified instructors. This information includes:


  • Type of course, such as video, in person, etc.

  • Cost of the course.

Course Completion

When a couple has completed the course, each one will receive a certificate of completion that states:


  • Their Name

  • Date of Completion

  • Course Structure, i.e. video, electronic, in person, or combination.


When both parties have completed the course, they qualify for a savings of up to $60.00 in their state marriage license fee and a waiver for the 3 day waiting period.


Instructors Credentials: Rev. Luis A. Fernandez, Dr. Ivonne E. Fernandez


Our instructors have been honored to serve their communities for over twenty-eight years. Their educational portfolios extend from degrees in Business Administration, Microbiology, Masters in Marketing, and a Theological Ordination in Mentorship, Christian doctrine, Discipleship Coaching, Biblical interpretation techniques, and ministry strategies.


Our professionals have also achieved Licenses and Certification status with various State and National juridical Organizations such as the Department of Financial Services, the Certified Safety Management, Board Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, the International Conference of Police Chaplains, and the Certified Premarital Course Provider.


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