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  • Texas Premarital Course Certification $24.99 | Military Veterans Only | USA

    Military Premarital Self Paced Course - For Military Couples Welcome to our Military Premarital Self-Paced Course where you will find all the information and course materials you need to attain your certification and marriage license. If you enjoy reading and learning at your own pace we invite you to enjoy this rich course. You will have access to all the information for a total of 30 days from the moment you register. You may also download your "certificate of completion" for personal use at the conclusion of your course. So take your time and register today! ​ ​ What is the cost of my Military self-Paced Premarital Course? The cost of your Military Self-paced Premarital Course is $24.99 per couple . Once registration is complete both parties will have full access to all the course material, and a customer service representative will be available to answer all of your questions until completion. This covers 30 days of access to your personal profile, course material, certification, and more. Who is eligible to take this course? Everyone who is 18 years or older and is currently or has serviced in the military is eligible to take this course. If you are taking this course for the purpose of obtaining your Marriage License it is expected that you meet all of our State's benchmark requirements in order for the county court to value your certification. Military Premarital Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse Click to Register for Course Marriage License Eligibility How long do I have access to the course? All of our courses begin the moment you register and pay for the classes. You and your future spouse will each have full access after you register and pay for the course in order to track your progress for a period of 30 days or until the completion of the course . For our Virtual Course students, it is important to schedule your appointment with your Virtual Instructor as soon as possible. Virtual Instructor Courses are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. ​ How long is this Premarital course? By law, it is required that all licensed course providers offer an 8-hour course that will enrich the lives of couples seeking to marry in the State of Texas. Is there an expiration date on my "certificate of completion"? Yes , your certificate is valid for one (1) year from the day of completion. It is important that you download your certificate to your PC or device for safeguarding and personal use. If you do not attain your marriage license prior to the expiration date printed on your certificate it is possible that the County Clerk of Courts may deny or reject your efforts. Is this course accepted in My County? Yes , as long as you plan to marry in the State of Texas our course is accepted in all 254 counties in Texas . Do I have to provide identification to take this course? Yes , In order to issue couples an original "certificate of completion" each couple must be able to provide us with the proper legal identification which will be forwarded to the County Clerk of Courts where their marriage license will be processed. The following are the legal forms of identification : U.S.A. State Drivers License, State Provided Identification Card, Passport, or Residence Card. When and how do I attain my certificate? At the completion of the course, you and your spouse will be able to have access to download and print a PDF copy of your "certificate of completion" for legal u se . A Certified Copy will then be emailed to you within 24 hours of your completion date for immediate use. Couples must present the original Certificate of Completion to the County clerk office. Therefore, it will require that we mail you your original certificate to present to your County Clerk of Courts. Make sure that you schedule yourselves appropriately for this delay. It will take us approximately 3-5 business days to forward you your original certificate via USPS. How many days should I begin working on getting my marriage license? It is our advice that you begin your process as soon as possible . Do not wait until the last minute to begin the legal process of attaining your marriage license. All too often, we have experienced couples procrastinating on the legal paperwork while preparing for their wedding. Remember, your marriage is not legal until your wedding officiant and witnesses properly sign your original marriage license. ​ How to change your Legal Name in Texas? Texas allows people to change their names on their marriage license application forms . While the forms differ by locality, you can generally just fill in your new name and list your former name on the form. A county clerk will issue a license after the normal Texas marriage license process is completed. It is also required that you make the necessary plans to visit your local Social Security Administration , Bank, DMV, and other agencies. Be sure to provide these legal forms of identification to all governing agencies in which you plan on changing your legal name: Marriage certificate, driver's license, state-issued non-driver's ID card, or U.S. passport. Be also prepared to show proof of citizenship such as your U.S. birth certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, or Certificate of Citizenship. Course Disclaimer This premarital course education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples . If this educational resource does not meet your premarital or marital needs you are still welcome to access the course material and/or be referred to a qualified provider who could better assist your needs. ​ ​ ​ Is this Course Refundable? Sorry, but we at the Premarital Course Center, offer all of our couples an opportunity to choose a Premarital Course Provider suitable to each couples' needs. Since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies we Do Not issue refunds . Is this Course Protected by Copyright Laws? Yes, it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professional, providers, and his or her affiliates. Click to Register

  • Descargo De Servicios | Texas Premarital Course | USA

    Descargo De Responsabilidad Este curso de educación prematrimonial ha sido diseñado y creado por profesionales licenciados y ordenados para abordar las necesidades de las parejas heterosexuales . Si este recurso educativo no satisface sus necesidades prematrimoniales o maritales, aún puede acceder al material del curso y/o ser referido a un proveedor calificado que pueda ayudarlo mejor con sus necesidades. ​ ​ ¿Es este Curso Reembolsable? Lo sentimos, pero dado que nuestros cursos son propiedad intelectual y están cubiertos por nuestras Políticas de infracción de derechos de autor, No Emitimos Reembolsos . ¿Este Curso está protegido por leyes de Derechos De A utor? Sí, es ilegal realizar cualquier reproducción, copia, transmisión o distribución del material ofrecido a lo largo de este curso sin el consentimiento por escrito de nuestros profesionales con licencia, proveedores y sus afiliados. Haga Clic Para Registrarse

  • Twogether in Texas | Texas Premarital Course $19.99 | USA

    Texas Curso a su Ritmo Twogether in Texas Curso Prematrimonial - Para Parejas Por solo $19.99 por usuario , encontrará toda la información y los materiales del Twogether in Texas Curso Prematrimonial que necesita para obtener su certificación y licencia de matrimonio. Si te gusta leer y aprender a tu propio ritmo, te invitamos a disfrutar de este rico curso. Tendrá acceso a toda la información durante un total de 30 días desde el momento en que se registre. También puede descargar y imprimir su certificado para uso legal al finalizar su curso. ¡Así que tómate tu ti empo y regístrese hoy! ​ ​ ¿Nuestro Curso está 100 % Aprobado en todo el Estado? Si, en tomar nuestro curso prematrimonial en línea, aho rrará hasta $60.00 en el costo de su licencia de matrimonio, y las parejas evitarán el requisito de espe ra estatal de tres dí as, lo que acelerará sus planes de boda. Todos nuestros cursos están disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para todos nuestros estudiantes, parejas y familias. ¿Quién es elegible para tomar este Curso ? Todas las personas mayores de 18 años son elegibles para tomar este curso. Si está tomando este curso con el fin de obtener su Licencia de matrimonio, se espera que cumpla con todos los requisitos de referencia de nuestro Estado para que el tribunal del condado valore su certificación. Haga Clic Para Registrarse Licencia Matrimonio Requisitos ¿Cuánto tiempo tengo acceso al Curso? Todos nuestros cursos comienzan en el momento en que se registra y paga las clases. Tanto usted como su futuro cónyuge tendrán acceso completo después de que se registren y paguen el curso para realizar un seguimiento de su progreso durante un período de 30 día s o hasta la finalización del curso . Para nuestros estudiantes de Curso Virtual, es importante programar su cita con su Instructor Virtual lo antes posible. Los cursos de instructor virtual se ofrecen por orden de llegada. ​ ​ ¿Cuánto dura este Curso Prematrimonial? Por ley, se requiere que todos los proveedores de cursos con licencia ofrezcan un curso de 8 horas que enriquecerá la vida de las parejas que buscan casarse en el Estado de Texas. ¿Hay una fecha de vencimiento en mi "Certificado De Finalización"? Sí, su certificado es válido por un (1) año partir del día de finalización . Es importante que descargue su certificado a su PC o dispositivo para su protección y uso personal. Si no obtiene su licencia de matrimonio antes de la fecha de vencimiento impresa en su certificado, es posible que el Secretario del Tribunal del Condado pueda negar o rechazar sus esfuerzos. ¿Se acepta este curso en Mi Condado? Sí , siempre que planee casarse en el estado de Texas, nuestro curso es aceptado en los 254 condados de Texas . ¿Tengo que proporcionar una Identificación para tomar este Curso? Sí , para emitir a las parejas un "certificado de finalización" original, deben poder proporcionarnos la identificación legal adecuada que se enviará al Secretario del Tribunal del Condado donde se procesará su licencia de matrimonio. Las siguientes son las formas legales de identificación : licencia de conducir estatal de EE. UU., Tarjeta de identificación proporcionada por el estado, pasaporte o tarjeta de residencia. ¿Cuándo y cómo obtengo mi Certificado? Al finalizar el curso, usted y su cónyuge podrán tener acceso para descargar e imprimir una copia certificada en PDF de su "certificado de finalización" para su uso personal únicamente. Las parejas deben presentar el Certificado de finalización original en la oficina del secretario del condado. Por lo tanto, requerirá que le enviemos por correo su certificado original para presentarlo al Secretario de la Corte del Condado. Asegúrese de programar adecuadamente para este retraso. Nos llevará aproximadamente 3-5 días hábiles enviarle su certificado original a través de USPS. ​ ¿Cuántos días debo comenzar a trabajar para obtener mi Licencia De Matrimonio? Es nuestro consejo que comience su proceso lo antes posible . No espere hasta el último minuto para comenzar el proceso legal para obtener su licencia de matrimonio. Con demasiada frecuencia, hemos experimentado parejas que postergan el papeleo legal mientras se preparan para su boda. Recuerde, su matrimonio no es legal hasta que su oficiante de boda y los testigos firmen adecuadamente su licencia de matrimonio original. ¿Cómo Casarse en el Estado de Texas? Siempre que cumpla con los criterios del estado de Texas, se le debe otorgar una licencia de matrimonio en el condado que solicita. No es necesario que viva en el condado para recibir una licencia de matrimonio allí. Recuerde que las licencias de matrimonio solo son válidas por 60 días . Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre cómo obtener su licencia de matrimonio en Texas . ​ ¿Cómo cambiar su nombre Legal en Texas? Texas permite a las personas cambiar sus nombres en el formulario de solicitud de licencia de matrimonio. Si bien los formularios difieren según la localidad, generalmente puede completar su nuevo nombre y enumerar su nombre anterior en el formulario. Un secretario del condado emitirá una licencia después de que se complete el proceso normal de licencia de matrimonio de Texas. También se requiere que haga los planes necesarios para visitar su Administración local del Seguro Social , el Banco , el DMV y otras agencias. Asegúrese de proporcionar estas formas legales de identificación a todas las agencias gubernamentales en las que planea cambiar su nombre legal: certificado de matrimonio, licencia de conducir, tarjeta de identificación de no conductor emitida por el estado o pasaporte estadounidense. También esté preparado para mostrar prueba de ciudadanía, como su certificado de nacimiento de EE. UU., Certificado de naturalización o Certificado de ciudadanía. Descargo De Responsabilidad ​​ Este curso de educación prematrimonial ha sido diseñado y creado por profesionales licenciados y ordenados para abordar las necesidades de las parejas heterosexuales . Si este recurso educativo no satisface sus necesidades prematrimoniales o maritales, aún puede acceder al material del curso y/o ser referido a un proveedor calificado que pueda ayudarlo mejor con sus necesidades. ​ ¿Es este Curso Reembolsable? Lo sentimos, pero en el Centro de cursos prematrimoniales ofrecemos a todas nuestras parejas la oportunidad de elegir un Proveedor de cursos prematrimoniales adecuado a las necesidades de cada pareja. Dado que nuestros cursos son propiedad intelectual y están cubiertos por nuestras Políticas de infracción de derechos de autor, No Emitimos Reembolsos . ¿Este curso está protegido por las leyes de derechos de autor? Sí , es ilegal realizar cualquier reproducción, copia, transmisión o distribución del material ofrecido a lo largo de este curso sin el consentimiento por escrito de nuestro profesional con licencia, proveedores y sus afiliados. Haga Clic Para Registrarse

  • Texas Premarital Course $19.99 | System Download | USA

    System Requirements Download ​ We just want to take this time to share with you some important information that will help you navigate through this course easily. It is important that you have the proper system requirements in order to view all the material contained in this course. Please review, and make any necessary updates to your computer or laptop before you begin. Updated Operating System : Windows 7 or more, Mac Download the Free Zoom Application on your PC or Smartphone. Updated System: Webcams & Audio Speakers/Microphones Updated System Browser : Google Chrome, Firefox, Windows Explorer (has been giving users difficulties) Note: If using Windows Explorer make sure Windows Silverlight and Windows Edge have been updated. Zoom Meeting Application Zoom Video Communications, Inc. is an American communications technology company headquartered in San Jose, California. It provides videotelephony and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. Download Zoom Application Join A Zoom Meeting

  • Texas Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | Terms of Use | USA

    Terms of Use Terms & Conditions Effective Date: January 1st, 2021 Site Covered: ​ THE AGREEMENT: The use of this website and services on this website provided by Premarital Course Center (hereinafter referred to as "Company") are subject to the following Terms & Conditions (hereinafter the "Agreement"), all parts and sub-parts of which are specifically incorporated by reference here. This Agreement shall govern the use of all pages on this website (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Website") and any services provided by or on this Website ("Services"). 1) DEFINITIONS The parties referred to in this Agreement shall be defined as follows: a) Company, Us, We: The Company, as the creator, operator, and publisher of the Website, makes the Website, and certain Services on it, available to users. Premarital Course Center, Company, Us, We, Our, Ours and other first-person pronouns will refer to the Company, as well as all employees and affiliates of the Company. b) You, the User, the Client: You, as the user of the Website, will be referred to throughout this Agreement with second-person pronouns such as You, Your, Yours, or as User or Client. c) Parties: Collectively, the parties to this Agreement (the Company and You) will be referred to as Parties. 2) ASSENT & ACCEPTANCE By using the Website, You warrant that You have read and reviewed this Agreement and that You agree to be bound by it. If You do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, please leave the Website immediately. The Company only agrees to provide use of this Website and Services to You if You assent to this Agreement. 3) AGE RESTRICTION You must be at least 18 (eighteen) years of age to use this Website or any Services contained herein. By using this Website, You represent and warrant that You are at least 18 years of age and may legally agree to this Agreement. The Company assumes no responsibility or liability for any misrepresentation of Your age. 4) LICENSE TO USE WEBSITE The Company may provide You with certain information as a result of Your use of the Website or Services. Such information may include but is not limited to, documentation, data, or information developed by the Company, and other materials that may assist in Your use of the Website or Services ("Company Materials"). Subject to this Agreement, the Company grants You a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the Company Materials solely in connection with Your use of the Website and Services. The Company Materials may not be used for any other purpose, and this license terminates upon Your cessation of use of the Website or Services or at the termination of this Agreement. 5) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY You agree that the Website and all Services provided by the Company are the property of the Company, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, and other intellectual property ("Company IP"). You agree that the Company owns all right, title, and interest in and to the Company IP and that You will not use the Company IP for any unlawful or infringing purpose. You agree not to reproduce or distribute the Company IP in any way, including electronically or via registration of any new trademarks, trade names, service marks, or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), without express written permission from the Company. 6) USER OBLIGATIONS As a user of the Website or Services, You may be asked to register with Us. When You do so, You will choose a user identifier, which may be Your email address or another term, as well as a password. You may also provide personal information, including, but not limited to, Your name. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of this information. This identifying information will enable You to use the Website and Services. You must not share such identifying information with any third party, and if You discover that Your identifying information has been compromised, You agree to notify Us immediately in writing. An email notification will suffice. You are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of Your identifying information as well as keeping Us apprised of any changes to Your identifying information. Providing false or inaccurate information, or using the Website or Services to further fraud or unlawful activity is grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement. 7) ACCEPTABLE USE You agree not to use the Website or Services for any unlawful purpose or any purpose prohibited under this clause. You agree not to use the Website or Services in any way that could damage the Website, Services, or general business of the Company. a) You further agree not to use the Website or Services: I) To harass, abuse, or threaten others or otherwise violate any person's legal rights; II) To violate any intellectual property rights of the Company or any third party; III) To upload or otherwise disseminate any computer viruses or other software that may damage the property of another; IV) To perpetrate any fraud; V) To engage in or create any unlawful gambling, sweepstakes, or pyramid scheme; VI) To publish or distribute any obscene or defamatory material; VII) To publish or distribute any material that incites violence, hate, or discrimination towards any group; VIII) To unlawfully gather information about others. 8) PRIVACY INFORMATION Through Your Use of the Website and Services, You may provide Us with certain information. By using the Website or the Services, You authorize the Company to use Your information in the United States and any other country where We may operate. a) Information We May Collect or Receive: When You register for an account, You provide Us with a valid email address and may provide Us with additional information, such as Your name or billing information. Depending on how You use Our Website or Services, We may also receive information from external applications that You use to access Our Website, or We may receive information through various web technologies, such as cookies, log files, clear gifs, web beacons or others. b) How We Use Information: We use the information gathered from You to ensure Your continued good experience on Our website, including through email communication. We may also track certain aspects of the passive information received to improve Our marketing and analytics, and for this, We may work with third-party providers. c) How You Can Protect Your Information: If You would like to disable Our access to any passive information We receive from the use of various technologies, You may choose to disable cookies in Your web browser. Please be aware that the Company will still receive information about You that You have provided, such as Your email address. If You choose to terminate Your account, the Company will store information about You for the following number of days: 30. After that time, it will be deleted. 9) ASSUMPTION OF RISK The Website and Services are provided for communication purposes only. You acknowledge and agree that any information posted on Our Website is not intended to be legal advice, medical advice, or financial advice, and no fiduciary relationship has been created between You and the Company. You further agree that Your purchase of any of the products on the Website is at Your own risk. The Company does not assume responsibility or liability for any advice or other information given on the Website. ​ 10) SERVICES The Company may provide services or allow third parties to provide their services on the Website. The Company undertakes to be as accurate as possible with all information regarding the services rendered or offered, including service descriptions and images. However, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any service information, and You acknowledge and agree that you attain such services at Your own risk. 11) INCOME TAX-DEDUCTIBLE SERVICES All services are not tangible and have been provided for educational purposes to attain necessary certification through our not-for-profit organization and its affiliates. All contributions or payments are tax-deductible. 12) REVERSE ENGINEERING & SECURITY You agree not to undertake any of the following actions: a) Reverse engineer, or attempt to reverse engineer or disassemble any code or software from or on the Website or Services; b) Violate the security of the Website or Services through any unauthorized access, circumvention of encryption or other security tools, data mining, or interference to any host, user, or network. 13) DATA LOSS The Company does not accept responsibility for the security of Your account or content. You agree that Your use of the Website or Services is at Your own risk. 14) INDEMNIFICATION You agree to defend and indemnify the Company and any of its affiliates (if applicable) and hold Us harmless against any and all legal claims and demands, including reasonable attorney's fees, which may arise from or relate to Your use or misuse of the Website or Services, Your breach of this Agreement, or Your conduct or actions. You agree that the Company shall be able to select its own legal counsel and may participate in its own defense if the Company wishes. 15) SPAM POLICY You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company's Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails. 16) THIRD-PARTY LINKS & CONTENT The Company may occasionally post links to third-party websites or other services. You agree that the Company is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of Your use of any third-party services linked to Our Website. 17) MODIFICATION & VARIATION The Company may, from time to time and at any time without notice to You, modify this Agreement. You agree that the Company has the right to modify this Agreement or revise anything contained herein. You further agree that all modifications to this Agreement are in full force and effect immediately upon posting on the Website and that modifications or variations will replace any prior version of this Agreement unless prior versions are specifically referred to or incorporated into the latest modification or variation of this Agreement. a) To the extent any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held ineffective or invalid by any court of law, You agree that the prior, effective version of this Agreement shall be considered enforceable and valid to the fullest extent. b) You agree to routinely monitor this Agreement and refer to the Effective Date posted at the top of this Agreement to note modifications or variations. You further agree to clear Your cache when doing so to avoid accessing a prior version of this Agreement. You agree that Your continued use of the Website after any modifications to this Agreement is a manifestation of Your continued assent to this Agreement. c) In the event that You fail to monitor any modifications to or variations of this Agreement, You agree that such failure shall be considered an affirmative waiver of Your right to review the modified Agreement. 18) ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to any and all use of this Website. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, written or oral, regarding the use of this Website. 19) SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS The Company may need to interrupt Your access to the Website to perform maintenance or emergency services on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. You agree that Your access to the Website may be affected by unanticipated or unscheduled downtime, for any reason, but that the Company shall have no liability for any damage or loss caused as a result of such downtime. 20) TERM, TERMINATION & SUSPENSION The Company may terminate this Agreement with You at any time for any reason, with or without cause. The Company specifically reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if You violate any of the terms outlined herein, including, but not limited to, violating the intellectual property rights of the Company or a third party, failing to comply with applicable laws or other legal obligations, and/or publishing or distributing illegal material. If You have registered for an account with Us, You may also terminate this Agreement at any time by contacting Us and requesting termination. At the termination of this Agreement, any provisions that would be expected to survive termination by their nature shall remain in full force and effect. 21) NO WARRANTIES You agree that Your use of the Website and Services is at Your sole and exclusive risk and that any Services provided by Us are on an "As Is" basis. The Company hereby expressly disclaims any and all express or implied warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and the implied warranty of merchantability. The Company makes no warranties that the Website or Services will meet Your needs or that the Website or Services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or secure. The Company also makes no warranties as to the reliability or accuracy of any information on the Website or obtained through the Services. You agree that any damage that may occur to You, through Your computer system, or as a result of loss of Your data from Your use of the Website or Services is Your sole responsibility and that the Company is not liable for any such damage or loss. 22) LIMITATION ON LIABILITY The Company is not liable for any damages that may occur to You as a result of Your use of the Website or Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law. The maximum liability of the Company arising from or relating to this Agreement is limited to the greater of one hundred ($100) US Dollars or the amount You paid to the Company in the last six (6) months. This section applies to any and all claims by You, including, but not limited to, lost profits or revenues, consequential or punitive damages, negligence, strict liability, fraud, or torts of any kind. 23) GENERAL PROVISIONS: a) LANGUAGE: All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language. b) JURISDICTION, VENUE & CHOICE OF LAW: Through Your use of the Website or Services, You agree that the laws of the State of Texas shall govern any matter or dispute relating to or arising out of this Agreement, as well as any dispute of any kind that may arise between You and the Company, with the exception of its conflict of law provisions. In case any litigation specifically permitted under this Agreement is initiated, the Parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the following county: Broward County, Texas. The Parties agree that this choice of law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather mandatory in nature. You hereby waive the right to any objection of venue, including assertion of the doctrine of forum non-conveniens or similar doctrine. c) ARBITRATION: In case of a dispute between the Parties relating to or arising out of this Agreement, the Parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute personally and in good faith. If these personal resolution attempts fail, the Parties shall then submit the dispute to binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in the following county: Broward County. The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator, and such arbitrator shall have no authority to add Parties, vary the provisions of this Agreement, award punitive damages, or certify a class. The arbitrator shall be bound by applicable and governing Federal law as well as the law of the following state: Texas. Each Party shall pay their own costs and fees. Claims necessitating arbitration under this section include, but are not limited to: contract claims, tort claims, claims based on Federal and state law, and claims based on local laws, ordinances, statutes or regulations. Intellectual property claims by the Company will not be subject to arbitration and may, as an exception to this sub-part, be litigated. The Parties, in agreement with this sub-part of this Agreement, waive any rights they may have to a jury trial in regard to arbitral claims. d) ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, may not be assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred in whole or part by You. Should this Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, by assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred by the Company, the rights and liabilities of the Company will bind and inure to any assignees, administrators, successors, and executors. e) SEVERABILITY: If any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of law or competent arbitrator, the remaining parts and sub-parts will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such condition, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force. f) NO WAIVER: In the event that We fail to enforce any provision of this Agreement, this shall not constitute a waiver of any future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision. Waiver of any part or sub-part of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other part or sub-part. g) HEADINGS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY: Headings of parts and sub-parts under this Agreement are for convenience and organization, only. Headings shall not affect the meaning of any provisions of this Agreement. h) NO AGENCY, PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE: No agency, partnership, or joint venture has been created between the Parties as a result of this Agreement. No Party has any authority to bind the other to third parties. i) FORCE MAJEURE: The Company is not liable for any failure to perform due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil authorities, acts of military authorities, riots, embargoes, acts of nature and natural disasters, and other acts which may be due to unforeseen circumstances. j) ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PERMITTED: Electronic communications are permitted to both Parties under this Agreement, including e-mail or fax. For any questions or concerns, please email Us at the following address: . ​ 24) NON-REFUNDABLE POLICIES We offer all of our couples an opportunity to choose a Premarital Course Provider suitable to each couples' needs. Since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies we Do Not issue refunds. ​ 25) RIGHT TO WITHHOLD SERVICE The Premarital Course Center and its affiliated holds the right to withhold or decline services to parties that Do Not follow, abide, or agree with our ethical and moral practices, believes, or policies. Review our Pastors Protection Act ​ before proceeding to attain our services . ​

  • Collin County Texas | Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | USA

    Collin County Premarital Course Online Preparing couples for a vibrant and lasting covenant with principles! ​ For just $ 19.99 per user - you and your loved one will have instant access to your Course Certificate Available Upon Completion of our Course. Whether you have traveled the journey of married life for years, your newlywed, or you are simply planning for the big day, this Premarital course promises you and your partner four (8) hours of laughter, fun, reflection, and enrichment to equip you for a successful life together. Interactive & Easy to Complete This Collin County Premarital Bilingual Certification Course features timeless information that will enrich your marital relationship and safeguard you and your family from the pitfalls of divorce. From Communication, problem-solving, parenthood, finances, and sexuality this course has been designed to be a valuable resource for all couples. All of our courses are available 24 hours - 7 days a week for all of our students, couples, and families. Covid Policies Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse average rating is 3 out of 5 “At 63 years old and both myself and my new bride having come out of 30+ year first marriages, we both had a good feel for all of the pitfalls and trials that come with marriage. Still, this course was a blessing and helped drive home the seriousness of marriage with a Christian focus." Tom Gibson Collin County Premarital Course Benefits Texas Marriage License varies from County to County. By taking our Premarital Online Course you will save 30-60% on your marriage license cost, reduce your Marriage License fee, and avoid the three-day Texas state wait requirement which will accelerate your wedding plans. The cost of our online premarital course is $19.99 per user . Call us at: 786-529-4266 or 954-591-8723 Collin County Marriage License Information Address: 2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite 2106 McKinney, Texas 75071 Phone: 972-548-4185 Online Marriage License Application Collin County Website ​ INSTRUCTORS CREDENTIALS Reverend Luis A. Fernandez & Ivonne E. Fernandez Our instructors have been honored to serve their communities for over twenty-eight years. Their educational portfolios extend from degrees in Business Administration, Microbiology, Masters in Marketing and a Theological Ordination in Mentorship, Christian doctrine, Discipleship Coaching, Biblical interpretation techniques, and ministry strategies. ​ Our professionals have also achieved Licenses and Certification status with various State and National juridical Organizations such as the Board Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Department of Financial Services, Certified Safety Management, and Certified Premarital Course Provider. Licensed Certified Professionals Certified in all County Clerk of Courts in your State With 20+ years of Counseling Experience Professionals who are Licensed and Married! User-Friendly Platform Easy and simple to use on all smart phones, and Devices Same-Day Certification Download Download and print your certificates for immediate use Customer Friendly Assistance Speak to one of our course representatives for help!

  • Texas Premarital Course Online $19.99 | Course Disclaimer | USA

    Disclaimer This premarital course education has been designed and created by licensed and ordained professionals to address the needs of heterosexual couples . If this educational resource does not meet your premarital or marital needs you are still welcome to access the course material and/or be referred to a qualified provider who could better assist your needs. ​ ​ Is this Course Refundable? Sorry, but since our courses are intellectual property and covered by our Copyright Infringement Policies We Do Not issue refunds . Is this Course Protected by Copyright Laws? Yes, it's unlawful to make any reproduction, copy, broadcast, or distribution of the material offered throughout this course without the written consent of our licensed professionals, providers, and / or affiliates. Click to Register for Course

  • Williamson County Texas | Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | USA

    Williamson County Premarital Course Online Preparing couples for a vibrant and lasting covenant with principles! ​ For just $ 19.99 per user - you and your loved one will have instant access to your Course Certificate Available Upon Completion of our Course. Whether you have traveled the journey of married life for years, you are newlywed, or you are simply planning for the big day, this Premarital course promises you and your partner four (8) hours of laughter, fun, reflection, and enrichment to equip you for a successful life together. Interactive & Easy to Complete This Williamson County Premarital Bilingual Certification Course features timeless information that will enrich your marital relationship and safeguard you and your family from the pitfalls of divorce. From Communication, problem-solving, parenthood, finances, and sexuality this course has been designed to be a valuable resource for all couples. All of our courses are available 24 hours - 7 days a week for all of our students, couples, and families. Covid Policies Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse average rating is 3 out of 5 “At 63 years old and both myself and my new bride having come out of 30+ year first marriages, we both had a good feel for all of the pitfalls and trials that come with marriage. Still, this course was a blessing and helped drive home the seriousness of marriage with a Christian focus." Tom Gibson Williamson County Premarital Course Benefits Texas Marriage License varies from County to County. By taking our Premarital Online Course you will save 30-60% on your marriage license cost, reduce your Marriage License fee, and avoid the three-day Texas state wait requirement which will accelerate your wedding plans. The cost of our online premarital course is $19.99 per user . Call us at: 786-529-4266 or 954-591-8723 Williamson County Marriage License Information Address: 405 Martin Luther King Street Georgetown, TX 78626 Phone: (512) 943-1515 Online Marriage License Application Williamson County Website ​ INSTRUCTORS CREDENTIALS Reverend Luis A. Fernandez & Ivonne E. Fernandez Our instructors have been honored to serve their communities for over twenty-eight years. Their educational portfolios extend from degrees in Business Administration, Microbiology, Masters in Marketing and a Theological Ordination in Mentorship, Christian doctrine, Discipleship Coaching, Biblical interpretation techniques, and ministry strategies. ​ Our professionals have also achieved Licenses and Certification status with various State and National juridical Organizations such as the Board Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Department of Financial Services, Certified Safety Management, and Certified Premarital Course Provider. Licensed Certified Professionals Certified in all County Clerk of Courts in your State With 20+ years of Counseling Experience Professionals who are Licensed and Married! User-Friendly Platform Easy and simple to use on all smart phones, and Devices Same-Day Certification Download Download and print your certificates for immediate use Customer Friendly Assistance Speak to one of our course representatives for help!

  • Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | Compatibility Survey | Texas

    Compatibility Survey Compatibility Survey Since it is important for us to gather as much information to help prepare our counselors to guide couples into a healthy relationship, you will be required to complete one of our "Compatibility Survey's " online. Your information will only be used if you seek the assistance of counseling in the future. ​ After you fill out our compatibility survey, we will contact you via email or by phone to go over details of any potential risks you may face in regard to your partner. This information is strictly confidential and is for your information only. If you would like to request a brief counseling session with one of our professionals feel free to contact us at and set up an appointment. Survey Time Frame This survey will require a minimum of 30 minutes to complete, this may vary according to a student's ability to answer the questions OR each individual's learning curve. Free Premarital Counseling We are glad to inform you that all of our couples who enroll in any of our Premarital Course Education platforms are generously provided one free hour of premarital counseling. All that is required is that you complete any of our benchmark curriculums offered by our certified professionals, and submit a compatibility survey which we will provide. If you have not filled a compatibility survey feel free to contact one of our representatives and request your survey today! ​ Compatibility Survey English Encuesta de Compatibilidad

  • Fort Bend County Texas | Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | USA

    Fort Bend County Premarital Course Online Preparing couples for a vibrant and lasting covenant with principles! For just $ 19.99 per user - you and your loved one will have instant access to your Course Certificate Available Upon Completion of our Course. Whether you have traveled the journey of married life for years, you are newlywed, or you are simply planning for the big day, this Premarital course promises you and your partner four (8) hours of laughter, fun, reflection, and enrichment to equip you for a successful life together. ​ Interactive & Easy to Complete This Fort Bend County Premarital Bilingual Certification Course features timeless information that will enrich your marital relationship and safeguard you and your family from the pitfalls of divorce. From Communication, problem-solving, parenthood, finances, and sexuality this course has been designed to be a valuable resource for all couples. All of our courses are available 24 hours - 7 days a week for all of our students, couples, and families. Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse average rating is 3 out of 5 “At 63 years old and both myself and my new bride having come out of 30+ year first marriages, we both had a good feel for all of the pitfalls and trials that come with marriage. Still, this course was a blessing and helped drive home the seriousness of marriage with a Christian focus." Tom Gibson Fort Bend County Premarital Course Benefits Texas Marriage License varies from County to County. By taking our Premarital Online Course you will save 30-60% on your marriage license cost, reduce your Marriage License fee, and avoid the three-day Texas state wait requirement which will accelerate your wedding plans. The cost of our online premarital course is $19.99 per user . Call us at: 786-529-4266 or 954-591-8723 Fort Bend County Marriage License Information Address: 301 Jackson St Richmond, TX 77469 Phone: 281-342-3411 Online Marriage License Application Fort Bend County Website ​ INSTRUCTORS CREDENTIALS Reverend Luis A. Fernandez & Ivonne E. Fernandez Our instructors have been honored to serve their communities for over twenty-eight years. Their educational portfolios extend from degrees in Business Administration, Microbiology, Masters in Marketing and a Theological Ordination in Mentorship, Christian doctrine, Discipleship Coaching, Biblical interpretation techniques, and ministry strategies. ​ Our professionals have also achieved Licenses and Certification status with various State and National juridical Organizations such as the Board Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Department of Financial Services, Certified Safety Management, and Certified Premarital Course Provider. Licensed Certified Professionals Certified in all County Clerk of Courts in your State With 20+ years of Counseling Experience Professionals who are Licensed and Married! User-Friendly Platform Easy and simple to use on all smart phones, and Devices Same-Day Certification Download Download and print your certificates for immediate use Customer Friendly Assistance Speak to one of our course representatives for help!

  • Premarital Course Instructors | Twogether in Texas Certification $19.99 | USA

    The Premarital Course Center The Premarital Course Center is a non-profit organization that focuses its resources on providing education, enrichment, and counseling solutions to families and couples. Twogether in Texas Premarital Preparation Course Requirements Texas recognizes the challenges that married couples face and wants to support the success of these relationships. For this reason, the Twogether in Texas Premarital Preparation Course was created and couples who complete this special course not only have a better foundation for their marriage but also receive a reduction in the marriage fee of up to $60.00. You must take a course with a minimum of (8) hours of instruction to qualify for the benefits under your state statute. Course requirements may vary from state to state. ​ Course Topics Conflict management. Communication skills. Financial responsibilities. Children and parenting responsibilities. Intimacy & Sex ​ Course Options Recognizing that adults have demanding schedules and so there are many options available to take and complete this course. These options include: ​ Direct personal instruction by virtual means; Videotape instruction; Instruction via other electronic media; or A combination of these methods. Couples can also choose to take these courses together or individually, as best meets their needs. Each person must complete the course and receive a certificate of completion from the instructor before going to the County Clerk for their marriage license. ​ Instructor Options There are several qualified instructors who can provide this course, but they must be registered with a judicial circuit (county courthouse) for their program to qualify under this statute. Instructors can include: ​ A mental health counselor licensed A psychologist licensed under A clinical social worker licensed A marriage and family therapist licensed A representative of a religious institution recognized if the representative has relevant training Finding an Instructor Every judicial circuit maintains a roster of qualified instructors. This information includes: Type of course, such as video, in person, etc. Cost of the course. Course Completion When a couple has completed the course, each one will receive a certificate of completion that states: ​ Their Name Date of Completion Course Structure, i.e. video, electronic, in person, or combination. When both parties have completed the course, they qualify for a $60.00 reduction in the state marriage license fee and a waiver for the 3 day waiting period . Instructors Credentials ​ Our instructors have been honored to serve their communities for over twenty-eight years. Their educational portfolios extend from degrees in Business Administration, Microbiology, Masters in Marketing and a Theological Ordination in Mentorship, Christian doctrine, Discipleship Coaching, Biblical interpretation techniques, and ministry strategies. ​ Our professionals have also achieved Licenses and Certification status with various State and National juridical Organizations such as the Board Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Florida Department of Financial Services, Certified Safety Management, and Certified Premarital Course Provider. ​

  • Galveston County Texas | Premarital Course Certification $19.99 | USA

    Galveston County Premarital Course Online Preparing couples for a vibrant and lasting covenant with principles! ​ For just $ 19.99 per user - you and your loved one will have instant access to your Course Certificate Available Upon Completion of our Course. Whether you have traveled the journey of married life for years, you are newlywed, or you are simply planning for the big day, this Premarital course promises you and your partner four (8) hours of laughter, fun, reflection, and enrichment to equip you for a successful life together. Interactive & Easy to Complete This Galveston County Premarital Bilingual Certification Course features timeless information that will enrich your marital relationship and safeguard you and your family from the pitfalls of divorce. From Communication, problem-solving, parenthood, finances, and sexuality this course has been designed to be a valuable resource for all couples. All of our courses are available 24 hours - 7 days a week for all of our students, couples, and families. Covid Policies Click to Register for Course Haga Clic Para Registrarse average rating is 3 out of 5 “At 63 years old and both myself and my new bride having come out of 30+ year first marriages, we both had a good feel for all of the pitfalls and trials that come with marriage. Still, this course was a blessing and helped drive home the seriousness of marriage with a Christian focus." Tom Gibson Galveston County Premarital Course Benefits Texas Marriage License varies from County to County. By taking our Premarital Online Course you will save 30-60% on your marriage license cost, reduce your Marriage License fee, and avoid the three-day Texas state wait requirement which will accelerate your wedding plans. The cost of our online premarital course is $19.99 per user . Call us at: 786-529-4266 or 954-591-8723 Galveston County Marriage License Information Address: 722 Moody Avenue, Galveston, Texas 77550 Telephone: (409) 762-8621 Online Marriage License Application Galveston County Website ​ INSTRUCTORS CREDENTIALS Reverend Luis A. Fernandez & Ivonne E. Fernandez Our instructors have been honored to serve their communities for over twenty-eight years. Their educational portfolios extend from degrees in Business Administration, Microbiology, Masters in Marketing and a Theological Ordination in Mentorship, Christian doctrine, Discipleship Coaching, Biblical interpretation techniques, and ministry strategies. ​ Our professionals have also achieved Licenses and Certification status with various State and National juridical Organizations such as the Board Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, International Conference of Police Chaplains, Department of Financial Services, Certified Safety Management, and Certified Premarital Course Provider. Licensed Certified Professionals Certified in all County Clerk of Courts in your State With 20+ years of Counseling Experience Professionals who are Licensed and Married! User-Friendly Platform Easy and simple to use on all smart phones, and Devices Same-Day Certification Download Download and print your certificates for immediate use Customer Friendly Assistance Speak to one of our course representatives for help!

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